Last Night's UT Match

The place to meet and greet the Factor 8 community!

Last Night's UT Match

Postby Anonymous » Sun Dec 15, 2002 11:55 am

Thanks for the game last night guys we're good sports in a tough situation. We noticed that you dropped of TWL after the match & I was hoping that you guys wont carry any hard feelings against us.

I noticed in the first match someone mentioning a 'neon skin hack'. We have never heard of such a thing, and I guarantee that none of us would *ever* drop to that level.

We would never disrespect Factor8 by cheating against you in any way.

We have been matching together since 1998, and we understand that 'online image' is the only thing we can judge each other on. So once again, I hope you have no hard feelings against us.

~ Rex


Re: Last Night's UT Match

Postby Anonymous » Sun Dec 15, 2002 3:24 pm

I for one have no hard feelings whatsoever, and I think our dropping from TWL was more due to the lack of teams in CTF, and their participation and so on. The ladder just hasn't been much fun when it has so few teams, and when the ones who do (except for a few) barely participate.

I don't think you folks were cheating at all and you played a very tight game, and I congratulate you all on the win.

<div style="text-align:center">Image</div> </p>

Re: Last Night's UT Match

Postby Anonymous » Sun Dec 15, 2002 3:59 pm

16 teams on the ladder.
8 have forfeited every challenge and never played
4 have never played at all
minus ourselves because we can't play ourselves...
this leaves 3 teams playing on the ladder; we have played the 3 of them.

We have played all 3 and not enjoyed a minute of any of them. Nothing against you, but TWL was the best CTF ladder out there and it is completely lacking of people to play other that diehards, which we are most definataly not. We are an adult group with lives and get together to play when we can, and we are no competition for teams that spend 24/7 together. We just don't have the time to do it with wives, husbands, kids, jobs, and so foth. Nothing against you guys at all. We played the only 3 teams that we could play, didn't enjoy it at all, so we got out.

I would like to know who said you were cheating. I understand that in a ass kicking the pride and tempers flair, but we are not based on name calling and the like. I understand how the person was feeling, but we will not allow the name calling or the accusations(the BS over email did not help our decision to stay in as well). After the match, I asked "Can anyone come up with a good reason to stay on this ladder?" and I had to take my headset off with all the "No"s coming in at once. The ladder game is not for us. We just don't have the time with real life on our heals to spend the hours in practice.

Good luck to you guys in the ladder. Win or loose, the match with High.CTF may be your last because no one else is on the ladder....

<div style="text-align:center">Image</div></p>

Re: Last Night's UT Match

Postby Anonymous » Sun Dec 15, 2002 6:33 pm

Note: We are mostly in our mid-30's...married with kids, etc.

I dont remember who asked the 'neon' question, and it was never phrased as a direct accusation (looked more like a slipped team chat) no harm done. I just wanted to assure your members that there was nothing unethical going on from us.

I hope you find a good spot to have more fun in the future.

~ Rex


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