Postby Fleury14 » Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:58 pm
Hey guys! Long time, just though I'd fill you in on how the MW2 has been for me so far.
The game itself is very good. There's plenty of neat ideas, and while there's a lot of "Well damn, I guess I died and there was nothing I could do about it because of that Predator Missle/Harrier" business, it's still fun. But I think we all knew that the game would be decent.
As for the multiplayer system, it's so-so. If you have a small group of friends, being able to party up and pick a mode to play in is nice, although you have to unlock game modes which seems sort of ridiculous to me. Level 17 just to play Hardcore? Nonetheless, it matches you up very quick, and you all get to play on the same team and go right in.
When the game starts though, it gets hairy. They don't show latency as a number anymore, instead it's just bars, which is shady. The sprint lag that showed up in Cod4 on a really bad server is back; you can't just tap sprint, you gotta hold it for a full second or more or get popped right out of it. The bullet detection doesn't seem right, and while I'm no expert on CoD, I have a good grip on latency, and it feels like I'm playing with 100-150 ping all the time. This is fine for consoles, but not at all for PC. And this i all assuming that the server picks a good host, which isn't all the time. Imagine a home broadband connection hosting a 12 person listen server on said connection, and it's pretty much what you'd expect.
If you can stomach the mediocre ping, then there's fun to be had. I've had some good times so far partying up with my friends and going into games, and the guns are all pretty good. But at 60$, honestly it's overpriced.