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Hello Factor 8

Postby Bushy » Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:02 am

Hello Factor 8,

Cantina, I left you a PM if you didn't notice.. Hell yea the battle for C was a good time.. Thanks for posting on our site, Strat the local aNti hack calling everyone a hacker when he gets wooped is common, hell he calls me one too and I suck at this game.. But as i said on your post on our site, thats just the competitiveness of our clans.. Hopefully we will play again sometime and have some more ass kickin battles... Not saying we did much ass kickin, but dammit we were trying ..lol.

Stop bye our server sometime and Ill work on getting these guys on yours also.. TS also.. appears that yall are alot like us when it comes to gameplay and hating hacks and cheats..

Dam yall been around as long as us also... nice site and see yall on the Battlefield....

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Postby Roach9119 =8= » Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:59 am

Thanks for the kind words Bushy. We'll be looking for you on the Battlefield for sure! Post a link to your site so the rest of the guys can check it out.
Sarg York=8=
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Postby Sarg York=8= » Sun Apr 11, 2010 11:37 am

Thanks for stopping by. We will need to hook up on the battle feild for sure
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Cantina Fly =8=
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Postby Cantina Fly =8= » Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:48 pm

Their site is http://www.antihax.com

I registered and posted over there Friday night after our games.

I think Stratcat may have got a Nemesis pin off Roach. At least based on the amount of trash he was spewing in TS about him. I don't know, I got his tags 3 times, lol.

I just saw your PM now Bushy. I had my Bachelor Party last night, so I've been nursing one muther of a hang over all day. Will definitely look up your server.
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Postby Roach9119 =8= » Mon Apr 12, 2010 12:15 am

We'll just have to see what round 2 brings us...

Postby Bushy » Mon Apr 12, 2010 8:09 pm

I see a battle Brewing... Yea that roach guy had the tank in C wooping our ass.. funny now but not then.. We got a few aNti's MIA right now,(we are a clan of Old dudes) (Strat is Like 50 something lol) but Im gonna try to round them up so maybe we can get together for some more games... Like a friday or Saturday night or when ever.. Ill let yall know what i find out..

Congrats Cantina.. Ill leave it at that since Im married lololol... Good luck and well never mind :)

See yall on
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Cantina Fly =8=
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Postby Cantina Fly =8= » Mon Apr 12, 2010 9:30 pm

Leave it to Roach to bring a tank to a gun fight. Yeah, we're "older" as in not 20's somethings anymore, but both older groups. I don't think we've played any AA. UT2K4 and BF2 were my bread-n-butter. We've got inactives too. People come out of the woodwork for different games. I think there are 4-5 of us playing BC2, with others playing DDO mostly.

Maybe a better way to put it, we're old enough that RL often takes more time than we'd like.

Sent a friends invite to you (Bushy) and Stratcat in BC2 but with how wonky the interface can be...
Sarg York=8=
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Postby Sarg York=8= » Mon Apr 12, 2010 11:12 pm

Looks like Raochie has another fan club going on. Humm, Bushy sounds kind of like an invite to a scrim. I think that could be a little bit of fun.
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Postby StuDaBaker =8= » Tue Apr 13, 2010 12:46 pm

I'd be up for that, even though I'd probably handicap our side since I'm a total BC2 noob and these guys are much better than I am. Sorry dudes.

Sounds like our clans have some common ground. There we a few of us who played AA for a while, though personally I couldn't get into it. We've gone through several games over the years, the Medal of Honor series, Call of Duty, Enemy Territory, Vietcong, BF series, Rune, UT series, and more. No love here for the cheaters and the hacks, either. Thanks for stopping by our site.
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Postby Cantina Fly =8= » Sun Apr 18, 2010 5:57 pm

If you want to find their server in the browser, search for "aNti" with the capitol "N" I jumped on there a couple times last night. Played flag swap (2 person conquest) with Rabbit for about 20min before I left. Probably a server worth trying to "jump start" if enough of us are on.

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