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Postby Blaze86Vic » Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:35 pm

Blaze86Vic, yepp....yep.

I play GT Legends and notice that there are usually a couple fellas in the Factor VIII racing server when I am out of other players to race. So I was wondering what it took to gain access?

Who I am, car nut. My gaming is almost exclusively racing. I used to be strong into UT 2004, but I'm waiting on 2007 to pick it back up. GT Legends and GTR2 are my games of choice now. I only race now and then with college, work, and tinkering with my real "race car" (race part is applied losely).

My system:
OS: XP X64
MB: ASUS 8AN-SLI Premium
GC: eVGA 7600 GT OC
HD: SATA II in raid 0 config (2X 40gb)
RAM: 2gb DDR2 Dual Channel Corsiar
UI: Logitech MOMO Racing Wheel
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Cantina Fly =8=
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Postby Cantina Fly =8= » Fri Apr 27, 2007 8:24 am

Hey Blaze, nice to meet you.

We'll just have to do basic credit check and background check. You'll have to mail us a blood sample since we haven't figured out a way to submit it electronically. A list of references would also help. You know, all standard stuff. ;)

Things may have changed since I joined up. Kyrill or Arc will likely be in touch as they're the two Round Table members most involved in racing.

Welcome. :)
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Lazarus =8=
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Postby Lazarus =8= » Fri Apr 27, 2007 11:50 am

Unfortunately we discontinued our server due to poor tech support and basically usless server host... We will probably be looking into another one but for the moment we are playing on member hosted servers.
Lazarus =8= / F8S Lazarus / DaLazMan
@ PhukPhotoBucket!
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Kyril =VIII=
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Postby Kyril =VIII= » Fri Apr 27, 2007 3:19 pm

Lazarus =VIII= wrote:Unfortunately we discontinued our server due to poor tech support and basically usless server host... We will probably be looking into another one but for the moment we are playing on member hosted servers.

Ya, was not a good experience with that server provider at all. As laz has stated, we will be looking into another server host, but til then we are playing on a member hosted game. It's ok for just a few racers, but over 6 and it'll get a bit laggy.
We use Teamspeak for comms, so you'd need a headset with mic, if still interested, PM me and we'll hook you up.
Kyril =VIII=
Round Table Staff


Racing: It's not how fast can you go. It's how long can you go fast.
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DrDemented =8=
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Postby DrDemented =8= » Fri Apr 27, 2007 5:03 pm

Cool a UT player!!!! LoL I be the only one left around that is still a die hard ut player. Waiting patiently for the new one also! :)
Yes I am RUDE CRUDE AND SOCIALY UNNACEPTABLE!!!! So What! I can still out belch you and my "flattulence" could probably make your nose hairs fall out!

Postby Blaze86Vic » Fri Apr 27, 2007 6:59 pm

Well I haven't used a head set in a while. Don't have one anymore.

Yeah, UT isn't dead yet. My Dad still plays it more than me though. I probably will only take up UT2007 so I can play with him. These racing sims are turning into more than just a game, and I kind of want to be on that band waggon. Economical raod course racing! As apposed to my $800+ weekends at real tracks.


Race2Play is now teamed up with National Auto Sport Assocaition (NASA) so the races are now getting national attention, as well as having real worl prizes and such.

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