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Goodbye . . . Hello!

Postby AltarBoy » Sun Feb 19, 2006 5:43 pm

My friends,

Having been absent without explanation for some time, I find myself at a loss for words. I did not intend to abruptly disappear without explanation, it just kinda happened. Rest assured it had and has no connection to my feelings regarding F8.

I very much enjoyed our conversations and jests, and hold you all in high esteem, (except Dr. Dimented - j/k). Life threw me some violent curves, and my time became my most precious asset, leaving me almost none to pursue my most beloved hobby - games.

I'd intended to post something a little more worthy than "gonna take a leave, sorry", and thus I postponed taking the necessary few minutes to offer some explanation until it was too late.

I offer my sincere apologies for that.

It's been awesome chatting with you all again. Life has turned around somewhat for me, giving me a little more time for leisure activities, so I'll be seeing you on XFire more. Depending on how my life unfolds, it is not out of the realm of possibility that I could return to the fold of F8.

Right now my UT has a major problem where my frame rate starts out awesome and steadily drops to about 6. I've corresponded with Atari tech support about it and they are dumbfounded. Until I get that resolved, it's too frustrating for me to play UT, else I'd gladly join you insome games.

Any brave soul who has advice to offer regarding a possible fix for this can email me. I'd be eternally grateful, as I sorely miss playing.

Feel free to email me or hit me up on XFire. I always enjoy our conversations, and Arch's game-lagging keyboard macro XFire messages. :)

Your friend,

"My idea of gun control is being able to put two rounds through the same hole from 25 yards . . . "
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Kyril =VIII=
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Postby Kyril =VIII= » Sun Feb 19, 2006 6:15 pm

Hey dude, good hearing from you, hope you can rejoin us soon.
Kyril =VIII=
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ArcAngyl =8=
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Postby ArcAngyl =8= » Sun Feb 19, 2006 8:29 pm

Yeah Just think you can be a member, And get great lag!
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Roach9119 =8=
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Postby Roach9119 =8= » Sun Feb 19, 2006 8:54 pm

Great to hear from you! Come back home when you are ready.
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DrDemented =8=
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Postby DrDemented =8= » Sun Feb 19, 2006 10:11 pm

LOL I knew sombody loved me!!!!!:dude: And now you left :mur:! The story of my life!
Yes I am RUDE CRUDE AND SOCIALY UNNACEPTABLE!!!! So What! I can still out belch you and my "flattulence" could probably make your nose hairs fall out!
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Cantina Fly =8=
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Postby Cantina Fly =8= » Mon Feb 20, 2006 8:30 pm

Don't worry, Doc, I still love you. :p

Nice to meet you AltarBoy.
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Postby DrDemented =8= » Mon Feb 20, 2006 9:04 pm

Yes I am RUDE CRUDE AND SOCIALY UNNACEPTABLE!!!! So What! I can still out belch you and my "flattulence" could probably make your nose hairs fall out!


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Postby Deemo » Tue Feb 21, 2006 6:41 pm

Dont sweat it Altarboy, most of us are old and have no memories anyway :)

Cya when we Cya
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GrayMatter =8=
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Postby GrayMatter =8= » Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:26 pm

There will be a light burning for ya

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