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Cantina Fly =8=
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Not an application to join per se...

Postby Cantina Fly =8= » Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:50 am

…but more of an intent to start hanging out on your server and playing with you.

One of the things I noticed my first day with BF2 is how important good teamwork is. In the few games I was lucky enough to join a squad that actually worked together. The games became lopsided because we were the only ones working together. Four people in a humvee roll in and cap a flag so fast, its nuts. Or try defending when you get hit from 3 sides at the same time. Can you say "Crossfire?" A good squad can also hold a flag all day against a disorganized stream of lone wolves.

Those were also hands down my most enjoyable games to date. A well balanced squad is self sustaining, deadly, and a moving spawn point to boot. A nice side affect of this is your score is usually pretty high also since you get a lot of kill assists and flag caps.

To that end, I knew pretty early that I was going to want to join up with a good clan to get the most out of the BF2 experience. I have played on a few different clan servers so far and seen one annoying tendency. I won't name the clan since it isn't polite, but they had five of there guys on each team each in their respective big transport choppers and they were just going ring-around-the-rosey point farming. They would pass each other in the air and not even shoot at each other!! And while I can actually understand why they're doing it (weapon unlocks are just a plain bad feature), it makes for a very unenjoyable game. You folks seem to emphasize fun first, and stats second so that's why I'm here (that, and your members seem to have a firm grasp of the English language and speak in complete sentences…)

On a 32-man map, by myself, I tend to be a solid 20-30 pts/round guy with my kills and deaths more or less even. I don't have a favorite class and have played them all with a slight bias toward assault and against sniper. I don't have the best reflexes or aim, but I'm patient and smart about how I play.

I will be picking up a headset here in the near future and that should help a lot. Other than that I just plan to show up and play. If we like playing together, great, ask me to join, otherwise, I'll move on. No hurt feelings, everyone has different play styles, and clans tend to be groups of like-minded players.
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Postby Juggalo =8= » Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:04 pm

Sounds great Cantina! Right now we're in the middle of swapping our server to a 32 man ranked server. I haven't been on the past couple days and am not sure how that's going.

We definetely are all about teamwork and having fun before anything else. Sure we like to build up our stats but we're going to do it the way it was intended.

Welcome to the forums and hope to see you in game soon! If you use Xfire, feel free to add me. juggaloviii

Postby imported_SlayerDragonVIII » Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:51 pm

Hey there Cantina_Fly, pretty sure I've played on a server with you before. Looking forward to seeing you around again. You can add me on XFire as well, it's slayerdragon.
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Postby W@rl(0)K » Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:03 pm

If you ever play any UT2K4, feel free to hop on our UT server as well. Hope to see ya around!

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Postby Kyril =VIII= » Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:12 pm

And If you have UT2004, download and install the Red Orchestra Mod, great realistic WW 2 game. We run a Red Orchestra server as well.
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Postby funkmaster » Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:30 pm

look forward to playing with you, feel free to add me to your xfire :D
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Postby Roach9119 =8= » Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:30 pm

We also host COD UO if you would like to hop in and play that with us. My X-fire is roach9119
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Postby Whiplash =8= » Wed Jul 20, 2005 9:13 pm

Welcome to our Forum! Hope to see you on the battlefield soon. :)

Don't forget to check out Red Orchestra. ;)
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Postby Deemo » Wed Jul 20, 2005 10:28 pm

Look forward to seeing you on the BF2 battlefield, when we get our server set up, im sure the ip will be posted here. Hop on and game with us, if you like, put in an app. Im not a roundtable member of f8 so im just speaking for myself, but f8 doesnt go around "asking" people to join, we welcome all interested parties to put in an app. So gear up soldier.
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Cantina Fly =8=
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Postby Cantina Fly =8= » Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:27 pm


Well you all seem to have a game you're passionate about. UT is probably my favorite online shooter from a flat out skill perspective. You just have to respect those guys (and gals) who can float around a map doing things that leave you with your mouth hanging open while you respawn going "WTF?!?" I rarely play it online anymore, I love it at LAN parties though.

I got pretty burned out on WWII games, it's the main reason I didn't start playing BF until DC came along. CoD just kind of fell through the cracks. You know a AAA title that comes along when you don't have any time in your life to game and by the time you have time to play it, something new and shinier is available. Hell, I have Doom 3 and Half-Life 2 still sitting in my stack of games to get too (They were pre-empted for Far Cry and GTA:SA, which I think was well worth it... and now BF2)

I guess you could say I'm passing out of my MMORPG phase of gaming. I was a big SWG player up until they changed the combat system to be more like WoW. But I've since realized the games are a time sink. There really isn't any "game", WoW is much better than others I've played, but I don't have 4 hour uninterupted blocks of time every week to go on raids and do instances to get all the ph@t l00t. The main thing they taught me is that the community of people you play with is more important than anything else. As they can single handedly make you spend time on what you would otherwise consider a medicore game.

Note: I haven't used XFire before but I've downloaded it and I'll see what's what.

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